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6228 Greene Street, Basement, Philadelphia, PA 19144
(267) 602-1064
Your Wholeness is Our Goal
What to expect from our therapy services
Each Therapist or Wellness Practitioner has done extensive research and taken frequent trainings in their area of specialization in order to assist a wide variety of people. Our treatment plans encompass each aspect of our being (Mind, Body, Spirit). Along with having cognitive behavioral therapy activities and techniques for homework (or as one of our therapist coined, “Lifework”), our clients will also be asked to make a commitment to engage in bodywork as well as spiritual work in order to increase the modalities of healing.
Individual Therapy
Our therapists focus on assisting individuals with creating more balance in their lives using practices that emphasize the mind/body/spirit connection. We integrate various Cognitive Behavioral techniques to assist with anxiety, depression, self-esteem/self-image, various forms of trauma, and many other challenges faced.
Group Therapy
The Healing Circle (Module 1, Module 2, and Module 3) is a 2 hour, 6 session, closed group. Limited to 8 participants. Participants will commit to attending all 6 sessions, as each members’ insight is integral to group functioning. Throughout these three modules, participants will Discuss life events and experiences that have shaped how we navigate our world, Learn new strategies for healing from your past, and Discover new ways to love and appreciate yourself. Cost of group is $45 per session (Aetna, United Healthcare and BCBS accepted). Each group therapy session is centered around Self-Discovery, Self-Love, and Self-Acceptance.
The Healing Circle
There are several different opportunities for group therapy. Below are a list of group therapy sessions currently offered:
Module 1
Module 1 begins the journey to Self-Discovery. In this Module, participants take an in-depth look at how our personalities were formulated, along with examining origins of negative self-talk. People will be asked challenging questions about who they are, in contrast to who they want to be.
Module 2
Participants who complete the first module are invited to participate in Module 2: Self-Love. Once an understanding of who you are begins to form, it becomes easier to increase self-love. Explore various aspects of who you are becoming, and improve how you feel about you on a consistent basis. An introduction to the concept of Ma’at: Divine Love is provided, and activities are given to enhance your expression of divine self-love.
Module 3
Module 3 centers around Self-Acceptance. Now that you have discovered who you are, have acknowledged who you want to be, and increase your self-love, accepting yourself (flaws and all) is the final part of the Healing Circle group therapy modules.
Ma'at Therapy Group Yoga
This is an open group for those who want to build or improve their mind/body connection. Participants will be led through approximately 45 minutes of a Vinyasa/Yin Yoga flow, that will focus on opening chakras and unblocking energy throughout the body. A guided meditation closes out the yoga portion of the group, which is then followed by a discussion about what messages participants may have received from their mind/body/spirit. Approximately 1.25 additional hours is reserved for discussion.
Family Therapy
Our therapists have decades of experience working with families. Many are Behavior Specialist Consultants, meaning they have spent time in the homes with the families providing mobile therapy and behavior modification techniques.
Acupuncture has quickly gained traction as an alternative method of treating emotional and mental health conditions. Acupuncture is an effective treatment of past trauma that may be stored in your body, which can lead to increased emotional or physical ailments. John Chen, L.Ac., has been providing the City of Philadelphia with a distinctive and effective form of Traditional Chinese Medicine since 1996.
Reiki is a simple yet profound system of natural healing for body and mind...Rei means ‘universal, and ki, or chi, in Chinese, means ‘Life Force Energy.’” Reiki is a hands-on healing system “that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. It is also a gentle, yet powerful path to personal and spiritual growth. Reiki can have a profound effect on health and well-being by rebalancing, cleaning and renewing your internal energy system.”
Our practitioners understand that energy can stagnate in the body where there has been any physical or emotional trauma in someone’s life. Utilizing Reiki to complement other therapeutic techniques further encourages mental and emotional (and even physical) healing.
Massage therapy “has shown to significantly reduce stress on both a physical and a psychological level.” There is a vast amount of research supporting the positive impact massage has on anxiety, depression, as well as various forms of trauma. Check out the article published on the American Massage Therapy Association website entitled, Massage Therapy for Mental Health:
“There is a growing body of research to back up yoga’s mental health benefits. Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain, and inflammation, sharpens attention and concentration, and calms and centers the nervous system.” For more info, check out the article in Psychology Today: